PowerShell Script to Enumerate SharePoint 2010 or 2013 Permissions and Active Directory Group Membership

   In this post I will present a script to enumerate SharePoint 2010 or 2013 permissions across the entire farm down to the site (SPWeb) level.  As a bonus this script also recursively expands the membership of any Active Directory (AD) group including nested groups which you wouldn’t be able to find through the SharePoint UI.



    Back in 2009 (over 4 years ago now) I published one my most read blog posts about enumerating SharePoint 2007 permissions.  I finally got around to updating that script to remove deprecated APIs, supporting the SharePoint 2010 commandlets, and fixing a few bugs.  There are 2 things that script did that I had to remove due to major architectural or procedural changes in the script.

  1. Indenting the XML output
  2. Ability to search for a specific user

   I plan to add back the ability to search for a specific user but wanted to get this version published first.  As for indenting the XML that could be added but would take some effort.  If there is user demand for it (let me know in the comments or email me using the contact button at top of blog) I’ll move it up in priorities.

   As a side note you may also notice that I’m not using the Active Directory commandlets.  This was a conscious decision since not all environments have them available.  Instead I’m relying on the older [ADSI] type accelerator and APIs.  It does add a significant amount of code to the script but it is necessary for compatibility.  Hopefully in a few years if I need to update again I can remove that legacy code.



   Below is the script to enumerate SharePoint 2010 and 2013 permissions down to site level.  You can also download it from my SkyDrive account or my posting on the TechNet Script Center Repository.


TechNet Script Center Repository


#Author: Brian T. Jackett 
#Last Modified Date: 2013-07-01 
#Traverse the entire web app site by site to display 
# hierarchy and users with permissions to site. 

function Expand-ADGroupMembership 
        $roleBindingText = “” 
        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RoleBinding)) 
            $roleBindingText = ” RoleBindings=`”$roleBindings`”” 
        Write-Output “<ADGroup Name=`”$($ADGroupName)`”$roleBindingText>” 
        $domain = $ADGroupName.substring(0, $ADGroupName.IndexOf(“”) + 1) 
        $groupName = $ADGroupName.Remove(0, $ADGroupName.IndexOf(“”) + 1) 
        $strFilter = “(&(objectCategory=Group)(name=”+($groupName)+“))” 
        $objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry 
        $objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher 
        $objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain 
        $objSearcher.Filter = $strFilter 
        # specify properties to be returned 
        $colProplist = (“name”,“member”,“objectclass”) 
        foreach ($i in $colPropList) 
            $catcher = $objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i) 
        $colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll() 
        foreach ($objResult in $colResults) 
            if($objResult.Properties[“Member”] -ne $null) 
                foreach ($member in $objResult.Properties[“Member”]) 
                    $indMember = [adsi] “LDAP://$member” 
                    $fullMemberName = $domain + ($indMember.Name) 
                        # if child AD group continue down chain 
                        if(($indMember | Select-Object -ExpandProperty objectclass) -contains “group”) 
                            Expand-ADGroupMembership -ADGroupName $fullMemberName 
                        elseif(($indMember | Select-Object -ExpandProperty objectclass) -contains “user”) 
                            Write-Output “<ADUser>$fullMemberName</ADUser>” 
        Write-Output “</ADGroup>” 
} #end Expand-ADGroupMembership 
# main portion of script 
if((Get-PSSnapin -Name microsoft.sharepoint.powershell) -eq $null) 
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell 
$farm = Get-SPFarm 
Write-Output “<Farm Guid=`”$($farm.Id)`”>” 
$webApps = Get-SPWebApplication 
foreach($webApp in $webApps) 
    Write-Output “<WebApplication URL=`”$($webApp.URL)`” Name=`”$($webApp.Name)`”>” 
    foreach($site in $webApp.Sites) 
        Write-Output “<SiteCollection URL=`”$($site.URL)`”>” 
        foreach($web in $site.AllWebs) 
            Write-Output “<Site URL=`”$($web.URL)`”>” 
            # if site inherits permissions from parent then stop processing 
            if($web.HasUniqueRoleAssignments -eq $false) 
                Write-Output “<!– Inherits role assignments from parent –>” 
            # else site has unique permissions 
                foreach($assignment in $web.RoleAssignments) 
                    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($assignment.Member.Xml)) 
                        $roleBindings = ($assignment.RoleDefinitionBindings | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name) -join “,” 
                        # check if assignment is SharePoint Group 
                        if($assignment.Member.XML.StartsWith(‘<Group’) -eq “True”) 
                            Write-Output “<SPGroup Name=`”$($assignment.Member.Name)`” RoleBindings=`”$roleBindings`”>” 
                            foreach($SPGroupMember in $assignment.Member.Users) 
                                # if SharePoint group member is an AD Group 
                                    Expand-ADGroupMembership -ADGroupName $SPGroupMember.Name 
                                # else SharePoint group member is an AD User 
                                    # remove claim portion of user login 
                                    #Write-Output “<ADUser>$($SPGroupMember.UserLogin.Remove(0,$SPGroupMember.UserLogin.IndexOf(“|”) + 1))</ADUser>” 
                                    Write-Output “<ADUser>$($SPGroupMember.UserLogin)</ADUser>” 
                            Write-Output “</SPGroup>” 
                        # else an indivdually listed AD group or user 
                                Expand-ADGroupMembership -ADGroupName $assignment.Member.Name -RoleBinding $roleBindings 
                                # remove claim portion of user login 
                                #Write-Output “<ADUser>$($assignment.Member.UserLogin.Remove(0,$assignment.Member.UserLogin.IndexOf(“|”) + 1))</ADUser>” 
                                Write-Output “<ADUser RoleBindings=`”$roleBindings`”>$($assignment.Member.UserLogin)</ADUser>” 
            Write-Output “</Site>” 
        Write-Output “</SiteCollection>” 
    Write-Output “</WebApplication>” 
Write-Output “</Farm>” 

   The output from the script can be sent to an XML which you can then explore using the [XML] type accelerator.  This lets you explore the XML structure however you see fit.  See the screenshot below for an example.



   If you do view the XML output through a text editor (Notepad++ for me) notice the format.  Below we see a SharePoint site that has a SharePoint group Demo Members with Edit permissions assigned.  Demo Members has an AD group corpdevelopers as a member.  corpdevelopers has a child AD group called corpDevelopersSub with 1 AD user in that sub group.  As you can see the script recursively expands the AD hierarchy.




   It took me 4 years to finally update this script but I‘m happy to get this published.  I was able to fix a number of errors and smooth out some rough edges.  I plan to develop this into a more full fledged tool over the next year with more features and flexibility (copy permissions, search for individual user or group, optional enumerate lists / items, etc.).  If you have any feedback, feature requests, or issues running it please let me know.  Enjoy the script!


      -Frog Out

17 thoughts on “PowerShell Script to Enumerate SharePoint 2010 or 2013 Permissions and Active Directory Group Membership

  1. Originally posted on: https://briantjackett.com/archive/2013/07/01/powershell-script-to-enumerate-sharepoint-2010-or-2013-permissions-and.aspx#631803Readers (all 5 of you), Someone had contacted me that they had issues running this script when an AD group had a ‘&’ character in the name. I’ve since lost that communication (can’t remember if Twitter, email, etc.) I tested this scenario on my SP2013 farm and had no issues. If you were the person with the issue let me know so can try to replicate. Thanks.


  2. Originally posted on: https://briantjackett.com/archive/2013/07/01/powershell-script-to-enumerate-sharepoint-2010-or-2013-permissions-and.aspx#632547First, this script is a thing of beauty! An essential component of my toolbag. That said, I had some difficulty getting the groups to enumerate. Essentially, the Group name being returned was the display name and the script was expecting the CN. I changed the filter and set it to filter on displayName and all the members were returned.


  3. Originally posted on: https://briantjackett.com/archive/2013/07/01/powershell-script-to-enumerate-sharepoint-2010-or-2013-permissions-and.aspx#637784I had to modify the script a little to work. On lines 59 and 61 I had to replace “Member” with “member” as it was case sensitive.Thanks for the script. Saved me tons of time.I’ll probably need to add another inner loop looking for uniquely permissioned lists, libraries and items but it was a great start.


  4. Originally posted on: https://briantjackett.com/archive/2013/07/01/powershell-script-to-enumerate-sharepoint-2010-or-2013-permissions-and.aspx#644729Hello again, I was not the person reporting the ampersand issue, but I did come across it, sort of. The issue might be in parsing the output. So, if I redirect the script to output to an .xml file and attempt to open it in a browser, it fails to parse. You can modify the function (and in the main script if needed) to call the replace method on the output: Write-Output “<ADUser>$($fullMemberName.Replace(‘&’,’&amp;’))</ADUser>” Hope that helps someone in need,


  5. Originally posted on: https://briantjackett.com/archive/2013/07/01/powershell-script-to-enumerate-sharepoint-2010-or-2013-permissions-and.aspx#645915Great Job!I notice if you get access denied running the script the Errors thrown break your beautiful XML.I added a TRY before the foreeach web and then a catch that puts the error in a XML comment:catch{ Write-Output “<!– Error Accessing the Site Collection –>” Write-Output “<!– $($_.Exception.Message) –>”}Thanks!


  6. Originally posted on: https://briantjackett.com/archive/2013/07/01/powershell-script-to-enumerate-sharepoint-2010-or-2013-permissions-and.aspx#646545A really good script and extremely useful. Thank you for sharing itI had several issues with the broken XML formatting and it would’ve been cleaner to use XML objects within PowerShell to generate the output. I had several issues with DirectorySearcher where I had to escape certain characters (as required by LDAP) in order for the DirectorySearcher to return the AD object.


  7. Originally posted on: https://briantjackett.com/archive/2013/07/01/powershell-script-to-enumerate-sharepoint-2010-or-2013-permissions-and.aspx#646971I’m having trouble getting the AD groups to enumerate… I get the security that I’m looking for, except that the AD Groups aren’t expanded so I can see who belongs to them. I’ve narrowed it down to this statement: $colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll(), specifically the “.FinaAll()” the script recognizes everything up until that point, once it reaches the “.FindAll()” everything breaks and the AD Group Members are never returned.


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